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What Should I Expect?

During the Massage:


Tell the practitioner about your problem areas. This way the therapist can focus on where you need it most. Often breathing deeply can help you get the most out of a massage. Breathe into every cell of your body. 

After the Massage:


Drink lots of water. This helps the body flush out residue that is released from the muscles into the circulatory system during the massage. Plan to take some time time after the massage for light activity. Take a short walk or sit quietly.  This allows the massage to settle into the body. A warm post-massage bath can also be very refreshing.

Don't Be Afraid to Speak Up

If the massage is too light or too firm, ask to have the pressure changed.  Some techniques are light or firm by definition, but asking is appropriate.  If you are uncomfortable in any way (too hot or cold, room is to dark or light, etc.) say something.

Refer Your Friends and Family

If you are familiar with therapeutic massage, then you have probably already raved about it to your friends and family members, but if not, please do so!! Share in the health!

If the massage is too light or too firm, ask to have the pressure changed.  Some techniques are light or firm by definition, but asking is appropriate.  If you are uncomfortable in any way (too hot or cold, room is to dark or light, etc.) say something.

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